
Dates, overview of trilogy.

So I've officially thrown down the gauntlet. Tussle part 1 will be made then we will hopefully work on a different project before moving on to parts 2 and three.

I'm setting a deadline for myself the script for Tussle part one will be done by January 10. This will be very close to the final version. I might send it out to a couple of people for some feedback and then start working on preproduction afterwards. I want to start blocking some of the fight scenes and mainly working out the logistics of my big stunt.

I have this little subplot I'm considering of working in to parts 2 and 3 but will be only hinted at in part 1. I have this idea that Jaime and Don Carlos are maybe somewhat delusionally setting up this New Aztec Empire. They figure that since the black-market is so huge that if they can take a large chunk they can move on subversively reclaiming the Aztec Empire. It's gonna be hard to do but I want to make it appear like they actually have a shot at this but it's still at the very beginning of it. So they really dont have any power, they're not much different than any other thugs out trying to run the streets. This may be hard to believe but the idea did kind of develop independently of the whole "Cortez the killer" song mood. I think if I do end up bringing back Paid for the second part this might make it a little believable that have a little more than meets the eye.

What's important to remember is that Matt Foster will remain throughout the trilogy completely oblivious to all this. I want his motives to ultimately deteriorate into a very primal need for violence specifically against Jaime. In there end there will be no heroics about it. I just like this subplot idea one because it gives a little more meat to the characters, Don Carlos and Jaime and also because I think if we can pull it off it will be very impressive.

Beyond this it also will leave us an opportunity to continue the adventures of Jaime and Don Carlos.


Shot Idea.

I've got this idea for a shot I want to do. I've come to the conclusion that I want to elude to Matt's abilities without them being fully seen until he confronts Paid and Jaime. So when Matt goes to pick up Michael from the party he has a small confrontation. Michael is drunk and belligerent, so somewhat reluctant to leave. He's also been handing out a little bit of coke so when Matt starts to insist a couple of thugs confront him. I want to shoot this at my house. I want a camera to follow Matt in from the front door, into the living area (party scene) we watch some dialogue then as he is confronted the camera tracks backward back into the entry way. We only hear the confrontation then suddenly one of the thugs is pushed into the frame. The thugs runs back out of frame and is thrown back into frame.
In working on the outline, I've realized that there will be progressively more action in the parts. Part 1 will have one maybe two fight sequences. Part 2 will be half story development, half violence. Part 3 will be virtually Matt Foster and Jaime in a ridiculously long fight sequence. As I see it they will also progressively more ambitious as well.

Also if scehdule permits I may have secured a camera operator in Cody. He is currently operating camera for the local CBS news affiliate part-time.


In response to Aaron's comment. I'm not sure about the slo-mo finale, just because it is overdone. But I have charged him to try to dish up a song in the vein of Cortez the Killer.

Outline Part 1

Here's a more final and detailed outline.

Tussle Trilogy Outline

Tussle part 1
• Introduction to main characters.
A.) Matt Foster (Aaron Martin)
B.) Michael Foster (Jason Mueller)
C.) Pedro “Paid” Jimenez (Hermes Ovalle)
D.) Jaime Jimenez (Adan Gutierrez)
E.) Don Carlos (Richard May)

• Matt returns from Iraq as a contracting roughneck. After a night’s sleep contacts Paid under the false inquisitions of purchasing a large quantity of coke. Paid is at first angry but once he hears about Matt attempting to get Michael he is more than helpful.

• Paid talks to Jaime. Tells him to contact Don Carlos and have him put “El Ojo” on Matt.

• Jaime consults with Don Carlos but everything they discuss is not clear. It is obvious they are not merely talking about the curse they are to put on Matt. Jaime is given a medallion.

• Matt takes Michael from a party without incident.

• Matt and Michael drive home and discuss various things. They vaguely touch on Iraq. Matt avoids the subject. Primarily Michael goes on about Pedro and his relationship with him.

• Matt and Michael go home.

• Matt awakes to find Michael gone yet again.

• Matt goes to the used furniture store to confront Paid. Having been suspect since their first meeting. Paid calls in Jaime to take care of Matt. Matt and Jaime fight. Jaime is thrown over loft balcony. Matt in an uncharacteristically fit of rage unknowingly kills Paid. Matt leaves as he leaves we see in a mess on some ruined piece of furniture. His hand will close tighter around the medallion he was given by Don Carlos.



I like the word Tussle and I use it less than I ought to. So I think it's an excellent title for the first Black-Eyed Production.

You can see I laid-out some early development for the first third of our Trilogy on my personal blog: The Plan.

If you want to get an idea of the mood and feel of the trilogy I'd like to capture, I recommend you take a listen to Neil Young's Cortez The Killer. Click the song for a tiny-tiny taste.